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•   Dave Gale (1963)  1/28
•   Robert Ellertsen (1963)  12/31
•   Paul Wang (1963)  12/28
•   Mike Langley (1963)  12/28
•   John Jaecker (1963)  11/19
•   Sue Brodner (1963)  9/14
•   Andrea M Kirchhofer (1963)  7/7
•   Leo Pfeiffer (1963)  6/15
•   John Flynn (Flynn) (1963)  5/9
•   Linda Wolfram (Velyvis) (1963)  3/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
16 live in Arizona
39 live in California
2 live in Colorado
15 live in Connecticut
4 live in Delaware
3 live in District Of Columbia
92 live in Florida
7 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
4 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
3 live in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
3 live in Maine
18 live in Maryland
20 live in Massachusetts
4 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
7 live in New Hampshire
9 live in New Jersey
4 live in New Mexico
143 live in New York
10 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
3 live in Oregon
11 live in Pennsylvania
10 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
10 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in New Brunswick
1 lives in Panama
1 lives in United Kingdom
92 location unknown
97 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 38.9%
A:   232   Joined
B:   365   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Paul D Schreiber High School


Welcome to the Paul D Schreiber Senior High Class Of 1963 web site. The purpose of this site is to gather in one place all the information concerning our classmates. Please help us locate as many people as we can.

The above photo is from our great and memorable 50th Reunion. The picture was taken by fellow classmate, John Jaecker. Thank you John.

Thank you, Gary Tucker, Site Administrator




The Hometown Hero's Banner Program is in full swing. Thanks to Ken's efforts the program is off to a great start. The following veterans have either submitted the required forms or are in the process of doing so:

Ken Kraft, Gary Tucker, Gordon and Nick Reynolds, Bill Miller, Dennis Dermody, Tommy Murray, Dennis Reiner, and John Robert's. The families of John Murro and Vinnie Dellolacano will be sponsoring their banners.

The banners will be displayed on light poles along Main Street from early May to November 17th 2025.  Each year the banners will be displayed during this period.

More information and forms can be found by clicking on Hometown Hero's Banner link on left side of home page. Pass the word to any veterans you know. 


Well, it's hard to believe but that magical number "80" is upon us. Some fear it while others embrace it. I'm in the latter group. The fact that I'm still of sound (?) mind and in somewhat reasonable physical shape, thanks to modern medicine and bionic replacement parts, I'm thankful every day for what I have. Just as important has been the ongoing relationships I have maintained with my fellow classmates through this website and in particular to all the reunions we have held over the years. Ken has been the glue keep this all together. We would not be where we are without his efforts. This one will be the 23rd get together. Thank you Ken.

Once again Ken is having another mini reunion this September, which may be the last time many of our classmates will have the opportunity to attend one great birthday party at the American Legion Post. The date is September 6, 2025 from 6-10pm. Cost is $45 pp. 

Mark your calendar and let Ken know if you plan on attending. I will be providing more information as we get closer to the date.

Hope to see many of you there.


1st Row: Barbara Perry, Kathy Mullin, Pat Natale, Pam Natale, Carol Turco,

Sara Luther.

2nd Row: Melinda Miller, Jane Robinson Dillon, Kathy Halinan, Brenda Ringwald

Susan Shirk, Phyllis Putter, 

3rd Row: Billy Miller, Gordon Reynolds, Ken Kraft, Keith Costello, Skip Barth,

Roger Pastore, Bruce Logan 

Last Row: Rich Giresi, Gary Tucker, Bob Lord, Jim McPherson, Dean  Howland, Ken Neiman, 

Leo Pheiffer and Bob Ellertsen